A Warm Welcome
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Prestbury St. Mary’s Federation. The Federation comprises of St Mary’s Church of England Infant School and Prestbury St. Mary’s Church of England Junior School, working closely together to provide a quality education under the leadership and management of a single Governing Board and Senior Team.
There are 450 children on roll in the Federation in 15 classes. We pride ourselves on providing an excellent education in a nurturing, caring environment. We have a welcoming and inclusive ethos with firmly embedded whole-school Christian values – Respect, Love, Honesty, Forgiveness, Perseverance and Responsibility.
Everyone who is associated with our Federation community is part of ‘Team Prestbury’, a Vision rooted in Ecclesiastes 4:9 - that we are better together than we are on our own. We are guided by John 10:10 “I have come that you might have life; life in all its fullness.”
As a community we understand the importance and value of ‘working together for fullness of life’. Our Team Prestbury motto of ‘Try, Enjoy, Achieve, More’ encapsulates everything that we aspire to be: to always try our best, enjoy learning together, achieve our potential and to have ambition to be the best we can be.
Our pupils benefit from our outstanding pastoral support which provides focused attention in meeting the children’s individual needs. We pride ourselves on our inclusivity and our strong relationships with all families from all backgrounds.
Our curriculum is rich and exciting, and is underpinned by ‘The Prestbury Learner’ as the children journey through our schools. This focuses on both the academic and social skills that we believe our pupils need to have in order to successfully access secondary education and achieve their potential.
The Federation’s foundation is in the Church of England, having been founded originally by members of St Mary’s Parish Church. Our strong links with the church are maintained through weekly clergy-led worship, Open the Book services, regular visits to St Mary’s, and through the Parochial Church Council and our Foundation Governors.
If you would like to visit us, simply contact one of the school offices. We look forward to welcoming you.
Mr Matt Ferris
Executive Head Teacher
Pupils enjoy a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests, such as whole-school singing performances, allotment club and sports day. Pupils enjoy representing their ‘houses’ which are named after trees on the school site.
Junior School Ofsted 2023
- Pupils feel included and valued for their culture, beliefs and personal identity. As a result, the inclusive Christian culture that nourishes this community has a palpable effect on wellbeing.
- Junior SIAMS 2024 - The vision is deeply expressed through the shared Christian love that ‘Team Prestbury’ is built upon. Serving the community with humility and kindness is natural for leaders at this school. Therefore, relationships are excellent, which creates an environment where people are listened to and nurtured.
- Junior SIAMS 2024