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Prestbury St Marys

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Readiness

A Warm Welcome

On behalf of the children and the staff welcome to Prestbury St Mary’s Federation. The Federation sits in the heart of the wonderful village of Prestbury and includes St Mary’s Infant School and Prestbury St Mary’s Junior School. The Federation’s foundation is in the Church of England, having been founded originally by members of St Mary’s Parish Church. Our strong links with the church are maintained through weekly clergy-led worship, Open the Book services, regular visits to St Mary’s, and through the Parochial Church Council and our Foundation Governors.

The Federation has a vibrant and active Governing Body who care deeply about the children and the education provided for them. Senior leaders include an Executive Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher, an Assistant Headteacher and phase leaders who all bring passion and experience to their roles. The staff team include many long-standing members who are truly committed to the Federation and recognise its important role in the lives of the children who attend.

Everyone who is associated with our Federation is part of Team Prestbury. As you will see below in our school Vision, we believe all members of Team Prestbury are remarkable and the education we provide is reflective of this.

Team Prestbury

Developing Remarkable People

As Team Prestbury, we all possess unique talents that make us special and remarkable.

As a school community, we are on a journey of exploration, rich in opportunity and fun.

Together we flourish with God as our guide.

'For we are God's Masterpiece, created in Christ to do good things'

Ephesians 2:10

Our Vision informs all we do and was created alongside the school community.
Our Christian values of respect, responsibility and readiness underpin our Vision
and guide our work as a Federation. Children are encouraged to be ‘Prestbury Learners’ by
showing respect, being responsible and readiness for learning and life. 
As the Executive Headteacher of this amazing Federation I look forward to welcoming you.


Matt Ferris

Executive Head Teacher



  • Pupils enjoy a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests, such as whole-school singing performances, allotment club and sports day. Pupils enjoy representing their ‘houses’ which are named after trees on the school site. 

    Junior School Ofsted 2023

  • Pupils feel included and valued for their culture, beliefs and personal identity. As a result, the inclusive Christian culture that nourishes this community has a palpable effect on wellbeing. 
    - Junior SIAMS 2024
  • The vision is deeply expressed through the shared Christian love that ‘Team Prestbury’ is built upon. Serving the community with humility and kindness is natural for leaders at this school. Therefore, relationships are excellent, which creates an environment where people are listened to and nurtured.
    - Junior SIAMS 2024




Jonathan's Jungle visits Y6 - see photos here

Victorian Day in Y2 - see photos here 

Y1 Walk to Prestbury - see photos here



Monday 24th February - INSET DAY 

Thursday 27th February - 3.30pm Junior Cross Country Meeting


































 t July